The Sweep and Force of Section Three by William Baude, Michael Stokes Paulsen :: SSRN

I want to promulgate this paper written by members of the Federalist Society. The Sweep and Force of Section Three by William Baude, Michael Stokes Paulsen :: SSRN: Section Three of the Fourteenth Amendment forbids holding office by former office holders who then participate in insurrection or rebellion. Because of a range of misperceptions and …

Rx for Insurance?

The nonsensical application of insurance of any kind always sparks fury in me and a recent trip to the pharmacy rekindled that rage. My doctor prescribed a new medicine. The pharmacy wouldn’t fill it because it needed “preauthorization,” a word too many people have learned these days. Basically, the insurance company tells the pharmacy to …

My Father’s Death in 7 Gigabytes | WIRED

My Father’s Death in 7 Gigabytes | WIRED: My father’s last decade was one of relentless downsizing, from apartment to assisted living to nursing home, shedding belongings, throwing away clothes and furniture. And at the end: Two boxes and a tiny green urn. The ultimate zip file. After I parsed and processed and batched his …

Nelson’s Weblog: culture / apis-for-content-sites-must-be-free

Nelson’s Weblog: culture / apis-for-content-sites-must-be-free: Social media businesses should not charge* for APIs. If a company like Reddit or Twitter derives most of its value from content that users write for free then it must provide APIs for anyone to download and manipulate that content. He continues later. The key thing here is social media …