Where Oh Where Should I Write?

What app should I use when I want to write.

This is a recurring thought (and topic on this blog) that continues to baffle me. For now, I’m writing this post in MarsEdit, which is the app most of my blogs flow through to publication on Carrying Stones. Writing apps? I have plenty. These are the main ones right now.

  • BBEdit
  • Ulysses
  • Drafts
  • Scrivener
  • Word Processor (Word, Mellel, Pages, etc.), which aren’t really an option for this type of writing

I tried creating a BBEdit project, but file management got a little weird for me. I enjoy Ulysses for focusing on writing in full-screen mode, but it still doesn’t quite do it for me. Drafts seems perfect for starting text docs, but I still struggle to build it into my workflow. I feel like Scrivener is meant for sprawling projects; novels and what-not. Word processors are overkill for so many reasons.

What do you people do? Any bloggers out there using macOS with a perfect solution? Email me!