Keep Podcasts on RSS

I’m still upset that Google provided Reader, then killed it. Don’t let the same mess happen with podcasts.
Big companies are trying to monetize and monopolize an open standard. Please don’t let this happen. Learn more:

Your terminal is not a terminal

Your terminal is not a terminal: An Introduction to Streams:

Streams are just that: streams. In the same way that a river has a stream of water, programs have streams of data. Moreover, just like you can use steel pipes to carry water from one place to another, you can use UNIX pipes to carry data from one program to another. This was the very analogy that inspired the design of streams:
We should have some ways of connecting programs like a garden hose — screw in another segment when it becomes necessary to massage data in another way. This is the way of I/O also. — Douglas McIlroy
Streams can be used to pass data into programs and to get data out of them.

The running water water analogy is a great way to explain many complicated topics and Lucas Costa uses it to great effect. You even uses |pipes| to flow input from one command to the next.
Go read his post if, like me, you find yourself scratching your head trying to understand how to work efficiently on the command line.

VK Goes Wild Indeed!

I don’t remember how I first stumbled across the amazing pianist VK Goes Wild. Here is a sample of her work covering Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody on a Bösendorfer concert grand piano.

It’s no ordinary cover though! She not only meticulously plays the music, but accurately includes what would be the vocals as well.
Her music is truly something to behold, especially because of her deep catalog of covers from Queen (obviously) to Pink Floyd to Metallica to Rammstein and more.
When you have the time, check out her YouTube page and visit her website at