Daily logs

Pen with Mont Blanc Ink BottleI kept a daily log for quite some time and then, for some reason, I stopped. I think it was a case of tool overload—too much hand-wringing about what tool was perfect for keeping up with the bric-a-brac of daily life—and rather than settling on one tool, I just stopped keeping the log.
To set the record straight, a daily log is not a daily journal. I never intend for it to be a narrative journey through my day, but a bulleted list of daily accomplishments. I used EverNote for a while, but something about it just bugs me and I’m not sure why. I may give EverNote another go.
I also really want to like Circus Ponies Notebook. I think I’ll stick to EverNote at work and Notebook at home instead of one list. If that doesn’t work for me, then I’ll use one or the other.
And yes, I know a text editor would work just as well (and maybe better). Anyway, I suppose I’ll chalk that up as one of my resolutions for 2010.