Gravitas in Pump Chili: A brief discussion of silence and euphemism in the South

Roderick on the Line is probably my favorite podcast because it reminds me of thousands of silly conversations riddled with inside jokes I have shared over the years with my best friend Roger. Merlin Mann and John Roderick clearly have the same deep understanding of one another, and that’s where you find gold. So I …

Generation C

Generation C: We, the thirty-somethings of the First World, are cynical. We have every right to complain. I mean, we followed their instructions perfectly. We took all of their tests. And we were failed. Eddie’s eloquent summary over at Practically Efficient covers the feelings of many 30-somethings today, even those of us who are almost …

Non-stick nightmare

This commercial for Pam cooking spray does not make me dream of muffins. This commercial is fodder for nightmares and probably isn’t gluten-free. [youtube] Personally, I prefer Baker’s Joy for muffins that aren’t terrifying.