AI Eating Up Lawyers’ Jobs, Sends Wave Of Worry Among Suitors

AI Eating Up Lawyers’ Jobs, Sends Wave Of Worry Among Suitors: Deep research, extensive study of the case, and complex arguments have been at the center stage of livelihood of lawyers from ages. But advancements in technology would bring disruption in their work methods. Law school graduates would undergo different way of training to become …

Meaningful Internet Acquaintances

The internet has become my primary source of entertainment and enrichment over the years. It serves me for reading to socializing and audio to video. I’ve been thinking about the people who help me find the things I enjoy most online and narrowed it down to three people: Marco Arment, Dan Benjamin, and Merlin Mann. …

Finding Peace in Laundry

Doing laundry from start to finish can quiet a troubled mind if you set your mind to it. I'm talking about being mindful here—completely in the task—and it works with any simple task. The methodical nature of doing laundry, washing dishes, or sweeping the floor can help quiet mental gremlins and find focus again. Change …