One of Many Posts about the Rise and Fall of Twitter

While it is probably too far to say Twitter is important to me, I can say I have found and followed many internet acquaintances through their tweets. Some of these pals I found from their blogs showcasing then-new links to their Twitter feed. Others I found through the web Twitter wove among those users’ follows …

BBEdit Preference Fix

After finding trouble updating the Preview preferences in BBEdit (the venerable text editor from Barebones Software), the company shared the fix. My problem was the preference options didn’t recognize items I knew I had installed in /opt/homebrew/bin using Homebrew. It turns out BBEdit runs as a non-interactive shell so it never loads my $PATH from …

Doing to Track What I’m Doing

A computer is in front of me most of every day, but I’m terrible at knowing what I’ve accomplished there. It’s a source of play and work (which is often itself a sort of play). My platform of choice is macOS split with work in Ubuntu linux at the terminal. As a longtime “computer aficionado,” …