Good Journalism is *Hard*

In my previous post I alluded to my background as a writer for local newspapers. Those publications served rural northwest Georgia. One of my editors shared some advice years ago that stuck with me; that reporters should write everything as if they’re explaining to a sixth-grader. It is crucial for everyone to understand the complexities …

Put "Something" There

After professing my allegiance to Path Finder during a conversation about TotalFinder on Twitter, Mike Alsup said: While it’s not speedy command line magic and isn’t limited to Path Finder, but it’s possible to automount remote WebDAV drives at login and they’ll be waiting for you to put whatever you would like in there. The …

Are These Filter Words Weakening Your Fiction?

I had never heard of “Filter Words” before reading this article by a writer who had never heard of filter words. Filtering filter words strengthens writing: Are These Filter Words Weakening Your Fiction?: What Do Filter Words Look Like? Let’s imagine a character in your novel is walking down a street during peak hour. You …

Lessons Learned From Oklahoma City – Bill Clinton

President Clinton wrote about the lessons America could have learned in the wake of Timothy McVeigh’s terrorist bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City. Op-Ed Contributor – Lessons Learned From Oklahoma City – Criticism is part of the lifeblood of democracy. No one is right all the time. But we …